A roulette wheel selection policy favors highly fit individuals. The rationale behind this policy depends on the definition of a fitness function. The probability of selecting a particular individual with a better fitness value is higher, but this does not mean that there is a universally beneficial strategy for everyone. In this article, we will discuss a few advantages of roulette wheel selection. Read on to discover more. And remember that choosing the right roulette wheel isn’t the only thing to consider.
One of the main disadvantages of roulette wheel selection is that it is naive. The roulette ball falls into a bin with a proportional probability based on the individual’s fitness level. This approach is incompatible with the idea of genetic algorithms. It takes O(log n) time to choose an individual. In contrast, a purely evolutionary strategy would require O(n) time to find an individual with a proportional probability.
There are several advantages of roulette wheel selection over random walks. For example, you can choose a roulette wheel based on the number of zeros, or a specific combination of numbers, such as red or black. Its low cost is another advantage. In addition to reducing the probability of losing a bet, the selection operator will not be prone to crashing your computer. You’ll be able to maximize your roulette winnings with this selection strategy.